Everyone wants the same life or we can say from life every person needs Happiness, fulfilment, Health, Wealth & Good Relationship but we can see to get all satisfaction is not easy without getting our own inner peace and satiability. God has given us the most important thing is our Energy Field which is located in every human body called CHAKRAS.
Chakras are the transmitters of the universal energy and carry the energy that sustains our lives. The word Chakra is related with ancient times, Chakra is life force and ray of life which creates energy in our body and soul; according to Indian Mythology chakra is a system of subtle channels that run through the body along with the spinal cord. Chakras are the main seven energy centers located close to nerves. Chakra transmits life energy into the body from the universe and distributes into the body through the nervous system (Nadi) so it is connected in human beings Physically, Emotionally and Mentally.
The main function of chakra is to balance energy force in the body and to keep harmony in Emotional and Physical health. Chakras are the transmitters of Universal/Cosmic energies and also carry the Life Energy that sustains our life. There are main Seven chakras in our body:
- Sahasrara ( Crown Chakra)
- Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)
- Visuddha (Throat Chakra)
- Anahata (Heart Chakra)
- Manipura (Solar Plexus)
- Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra)
- Muladhara (Root Chakra)
Chakra Balancing can help us balance our Chakras.