

Astrology or Jyotisha is the main ancient name of Indian Vedic astrology for the predictions of future; it really influences and affects every part of life (Past, Present & Future). With the help of astrology, Horoscope or Birth Chart can be made, it is a complete calculation of Time, angles of Planet, Sun, Moon and Planets movement. The uniqueness of this science is that it is different and unique for every individual since calculation changes as per their Birth time and movement and effect of each planet as per their birth chart.



These cards are divided into two parts (Major Arcana and Minor Arcana) . In these cards there are many printed images (Spiritual, Holistic, Modern and Ancient) which help us to read the cards and assist in predicting the future. Tarot Card reading is a technique of problem solving, a method which depends upon the problem/question (including the way it is asked) of the individual. It also depends on the person’s conviction and energy, since these cards get connected with cosmic/universal energy (with the divine power, Dr. Mahima acts as a Mediator and  the answer of the question is given by reading the cards).



In this shastra Living area, Apartments, Professional area, Offices everywhere an individual is living/moving/ working can be modified since the positive energy can channelized or enhanced and negative/malefic energy can be nullified. The motive of renowned vastu consultant Dr. Mahima is to give happiness, prosperity and peace to everyone’s life (as life is so precious).



Here on this platform, it doesn’t matter what situation you are going through, either in your group or as an individual, without grievances and hesitation you can get your problem resolved. Dr. Mahima is always with you to counsel/advise you to have a better life and guidance towards life’s personal and emotional challenges. “Live Happy with Peace, Love and Harmony is the main mantra of Dr. Mahima’s counseling”.



Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle (non-physical) body through which life force Prana (Vital Energy) moves; this vital life energy force keeps us Healthy, Alive and Vibrant. The functions of the Chakra is rotation and draw this energy to keep the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical health of the body in balance. Chakras are the transmitters of Universal/Cosmic energies and also carry the Life Energy that sustains our life. There are Seven main Chakras : 1) Muladhara (Root Chakra) 2) Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) 3) Manipura (Solar Plexus) 4) Anahata (Heart Chakra) 5) Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) 6) Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) 7) Sahasrara ( Crown Chakra)





Palmistry or Chiromancy originated in India over 3,000 years back. In general, the palm is mainly our hands’ main part; Palmistry is the science of reading palm lines, it is the way to know the individual’s future through his/her lines. These palm lines are not fixed; they keep on changing frequently as per the situation or the willpower of an individual. The intent of palmistry is personality assessment and counseling; One’s emotional tendencies, social attitudes, conscious awareness and subconscious fears, blockages and strengths. There are Three Major branches of Palmistry (Chiromancy, Chirognomy and Dermatoglyphics). The aim of this science is to understand individual’s Past, Present, Future and their behavioral practices. Our palm is the Mirror reflection of every individual and every individual’s palm lines are unique. Through proper knowledge of Dr. Mahima every individual’s hands has five elements (Water, Earth, Air, Space & Fire) and other than this significance of every planet is helpful in reading palm lines. Palmistry is very important and effective science, in Palm lines reading both the hands can be read; left for past life (weak hand) and right for future (strong hand). Through proper guidance and association with Dr. Mahima, professional and personal success can be accomplished.




You will also get the following services which are provided by Dr. Mahima and Team.
We customise these services as needed.

Havan Puja

Havan/Homa Puja is a fire ritual, performed to worship the Great Goddess. We customise Havan Puja as per your requirement and also provide Havan Kits to perform the Puja.

Match Making

Match Making/Kundali Milan is a process to check the compatibility of  a couple for the purpose of Marriage. We do this analysis as per Vedic Astrology and provide the accurate analysis. This is very important to perform Kundali Milan before marrige.

Career Counselling

Career Counselling is a one-on-one session with a career aspirant who wants to choose the best career path. Our Spiritual Counsellor understands and analyse the future aspects to advise and guide the students.


Meditation is a technique – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. We provide this divine service to clear your mind from all the worries and to energise you positively.